Some questions that often come to mind are what is our purpose? Why are we here? And what is happiness? Depending on the culture or religion, each question has a different answer, but one answer that they all have in common is we are one with the divine, or God. In many cultures it is believed that our goal is reach our true nature or the higher self, the spirit. Regardless of whether you believe in God, everyone seeks happiness and believes in something. The something can be mother earth, energy, Buddha, Hinduism, or Christianity to name a few. All of these teachings recognize one thing: we are connected. To reach the higher self or enlightenment, there are different steps or rules that are used to reach that goal. Compassion is one way to be able to embark on the journey to reach our true self.
"Compassion is the emotion that connects us to other human beings. The instinctive feeling that we desire to remove pain from another living being is one of the aspects of our true nature or higher self."
Compassion is in our innate nature; it is embedded in our spirit. Compassion is the emotion that connects us to other human beings. The instinctive feeling that we desire to remove pain from another living being is one of the aspects of our true nature or higher self. The levels of compassion in each individual are different; some have a higher sense of compassion than others. It is a feeling that can be nourished and fostered, but many individuals do not know how to foster that feeling and do not teach it to others, and therefore, they do not live life with compassion. Either deliberately by choice or through ignorance, compassion is essential to reach our higher self; therefore, it should have a very important role in every person’s life as it connects us to each other.
"The spirit is made of pure bliss, of love and light... We are connected through oneness. We were made in pure love by the creator, God. The divine resides within you, and you reflect him in your pureness and love."
The Mayan people would greet each other with the words in Lak’ech, Ala k’in, which means I am you, and you are me, we are one. It relates to the connection to life itself; to the plants, trees, oceans, and all of mother nature. It is unity that can give us the opportunity to be able to reach the higher self. Emotions come and go, and thoughts change all the time. The one constant thing that never changes is the spirit. The spirit is made of pure bliss, of love and light. Imagine a majestic mountain or a field of flowers; the beauty you see in those things is the same beauty that resides in you as we are connected through oneness. We were made in pure love by the creator, God. The divine resides within you, and you reflect him in your pureness and love. Forgive, for when you forgive, you are forgiving yourself. Let go of resentment, for you are letting go of your own mishaps and mistakes.
"Our ancestors knew their true self, and any routine to nourish the spirit was a way of living and natural, not a routine or task... The unity to everything is what kept things in harmony. "
In Ayurveda, there are several Dinacharyas or routines. These routines provide a way to reintroduce you to your spirit as these routines are meant to nourish your spirit through the nourishment of the senses. As a result of many life experiences such as life dramas, traumas, and the stressful lifestyles we all live, we have forgotten our true nature. Often at the beginning, these routines or Dynacharyas can be challenging to do, not because they are difficult, but because we do not understand and know what our spirit needs. By contrast, our ancestors knew their true self, and any routine to nourish the spirit was a way of living and natural, not a routine or task. I recall my mother telling me that when she was growing up, there was more respect towards the earth. They would hold prayers in the fields and would always connect with nature. The moon was part of your life, especially for women. It was as though they were one with the moon. It would guide you in your menstrual cycle, and when you were pregnant, you knew the baby would come on the ninth full moon. The unity to everything is what kept things in harmony. Harmony is what is lacking in today’s world; disease is prevalent, and it is because we have forgotten our true nature. It is only when we can understand that we our spiritual beings that we can answer the questions: What is my purpose? Why am I here? And what can give me true happiness?
Today I leave you with these mantras or reaffirmations. May we stand strong like the trees; may we be grounded and be as strong as the roots of a tree. May we reflect the pure beauty that we are, like the majestic mountains, the sunrise, or fields of flowers. May we reflect vitality like the dew on a rose in the first light of the day. We are one with life.