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"The choices we make will influence the outcome, but there are two ways to make a decision. The first way is with the logic that is driven by the ego. The second is by listening to the heart or intuition that is driven by the spirit or true nature."

It is amazing how our Creator (or God) works. The universe will put you at the right time in the right place. A great woman once told my mother that a leaf doesn’t fall from the tree unless that is God’s will. There are no coincidences in life; things happen because they are designed to happen in a certain way. The choices we make will influence the outcome, but there are two ways to make a decision. The first way is with the logic that is driven by the ego. The second is by listening to the heart or intuition that is driven by the spirit or true nature. The spirit helps you make decisions that are nourishing to the soul. When you become open to embrace and live with listening to intuition it will lead you on an amazing path that will allow you to connect with your higher self. There are many times when you don’t know why you reconnect with an old friend, and it seems the encounter is too coincidental.

I took a class on a topic of Ayurveda in which the teacher told us a story of how he followed his intuition even though it didn’t make sense. The story takes place when he was a young man in his country, and a very heavy storm passed through with thunder and lighting. Many of the people walking in the streets decided to go under a tree to let the storm pass. They told him to go under the tree, but he said he felt his intuition tell him to just leave, and he hopped on his moped. All the people under the tree insisted he stay under the tree, but against his logic he took off in the heavy storm. He had not driven more than half a mile when he heard the thunder and turned around to where the people were standing under the tree, and he saw that the lighting had struck the tree, and all the people that were under the tree were killed. From that moment on, he always listened to his intuition first.

My Mayan mentor told me a story about listening to your intuition as it will always guide you to do good. He told me about the day a man came knocking on his door because he needed help in a healing session. My mentor asked the man who needed help where he was from, and the man said he was from a town that was very far away, and he had come on his tricycle. The man seemed very tired. Assuming the man was hungry, having traveled such a long distance, my mentor told him to wait outside while he went to the kitchen to prepare sandwiches so he could feed him after the treatment. After the treatment, the man thanked my mentor because the healing session helped him a lot. My mentor said to the man “wait, I have prepared sandwiches for you,” but the man thanked him and rejected the food. The man said “you have helped me with my pain, and my heart is full and is grateful to you,” and he got on his tricycle and left. My mentor was a bit confused and went into his home and started contemplating what had just occurred. He then heard a woman in the street announcing she was selling sweet treats. My mentor stepped outside and asked the women what she was selling and if she was hungry. She said “I sell yams with honey. Yes, I am very hungry sir as I have not eaten all day.” He went into his home to retrieve the sandwiches and handed them to the woman, and she thanked him.

"Listening to your intuition is the guide that can take you on the right path that will allow you to reach pure joy and happiness, which we all seek."

The Mayan people would greet each other with the words in Lak’ech, Ala k’in, which means I am you, and you are me, we are one. It relates to the connection to life itself; to the plants, trees, oceans, and all of mother nature. It is unity that can give us the opportunity to be able to reach the higher self. Emotions come and go, and thoughts change all the time. The one constant thing that never changes is the spirit. The spirit is made of pure bliss, of love and light. Imagine a majestic mountain or a field of flowers; the beauty you see in those things is the same beauty that resides in you as we are connected through oneness. We were made in pure love by the creator, God. The divine resides within you, and you reflect him in your pureness and love. Forgive, for when you forgive, you are forgiving yourself. Let go of resentment, for you are letting go of your own mishaps and mistakes.

"Our ancestors knew their true self, and any routine to nourish the spirit was a way of living and natural, not a routine or task... The unity to everything is what kept things in harmony. "

He then realized that when he made the sandwiches he was making them for that woman, not the man that had come seeking his help. He told me to always listen to your intuition as it will guide you to do what is the right thing, but sometimes we have to be a bit patient. Intuition and compassion are two words that are always connected. I was once told that my intuition is the holy spirit speaking to you, and we can all hear it, but many choose not to listen to it. Listening to your intuition is the guide that can take you on the right path that will allow you to reach pure joy and happiness, which we all seek.



Esencia Ayurveda

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Esencia Ayurveda by

Cindy Lawrence


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